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(More customer reviews)Harry Potter has captured the imaginations of millions of children and adults from every walk of life. The series has possibly experienced more popularity than any other book of the last fifty years having sold millions of copies around the world. With this in mind many have asked "Why is Harry Potter is so insanely popular?" As a fan of the Harry Potter series I already knew the answer, but this book has wrought to light many of the Christian aspects of series which I over looked. How Harry Potter casts his spells is an interesting look in to the Christian aspects of the Harry Potter Book series.Below is the Table of Contents taken from the book. I like the way the Author wrote an explanation of each chapter in such a informative and humorous way. Through this book the Author adds a touch of humor to his writing.
Acknowledgments Publisher's Preface Introduction
1: Magic, Fantasy, and Transcendence
The magic in Harry Potter is traditional literary spellwork that acts as a counterspell to the materialism of our times.
2: Cosmic White Hats and Black Hats
The Harry Potter Novels revolve around the central conflict of good and evil
3: The Hero's Journey
Harry's adventures take him through life, death and resurrection
4: The Alchemy of Spiritual Growth
The story of cycles are built on the stages of transformation
5: One Person, Two Natures
Doppelgangers point to the struggle of dual natures- and their resolution in the God-Man.
6:Don't Judge, Lest You Be Judged
Surprise endings suggest a remedy for the evils of prejudice
7: The Triumph of Love over Death
The mystery of death meets the ultimate answer
8: The Question of Identity
Harry defines himself through choices, change, and destiny
9: Evidence of Things Unseen
The symbols in Potterdom are powerful pointers to spiritual realities
10: Fun with Names
The character names are delightful puzzles with hidden spiritual meanings
11: The Purification of the Soul
Spiritual keys to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
12: Dangerous Books and Edifying Books
Spiritual keys to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
13: Despair and Delivery
Spiritual keys to Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban
14: Girded with Virtue
Spiritual keys to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
15: Dark night of the Soul
Spiritual keys to Harry Potter and the the Order of the Phoenix
16: Baptism into a Sacrificial Death
Spiritual keys to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
17: Choosing to Believe
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as the stuggle with faith in story form
18: Christian Birth through Baptism
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as the alchemical adventures of a Christian Everyman
19: Victory Over Death
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as the Passion gospel of Christian Everyman
20: FAQs
The other big questions on the minds of Harry Potter reader's
NotesMy Personal Opinion
"How Harry Cast His Spell:The Meaning Behind the Mania for J. K. Rowling's Bestselling Books"
is an interesting read for any Christian fan of Harry Potter, this book shows that Christian symbolism is easily found in the Harry Potter series for those willing to search for it.
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More than any other book of the last fifty years (and perhaps ever), the Harry Potter novels have captured the imagination of children and adults around the world. Yet no one has ever been able to unlock the secret of Harry's wild popularity . . . until now. Updated and expanded since its original publication as Looking for God in Harry Potter (and now containing final conclusions based on the entire series), How Harry Cast His Spell explains why the books meet our longing to experience the truths of life, love, and death; help us better understand life and our role in the universe; and encourage us to discover and develop our own gifts and abilities.
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