Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)While the author seems to have grasped quite well the 'power' of the woman in the series, the book relies too much into analyses based solely on Christian imagery, disregarding its important primal ideas; it has somewhat of a freudian overtone, which complicates to see the full picture when you're trying to evaluate the female power that is undermined by the bible and by our society; and whose symbols have been reinterpreted to mean the opposite of their true nature. Since Rowling is herself graduated in antique languages and literature it seems clear that some of those images are meant to be read as they were in their primitive sense. Also, it's very short and the book takes a long time talking about the first impressions academy had on the subject of Harry Potter feministic ideas and also have a couple pages in which she's just repeating what she had just said - same words and all.
Still, it's entertaining, well based in canon, and a excellent subject, so good that it deserved more than that.
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Since 1997, scholarly criticisms and Internetdiscussion groups have been examining, analyzing,and critiquing the Harry Potter stories. One aspectof this conversation is whether the series containsa feminist message or not. Many of the earlycritics of the books were unhappy with analternate world that seemed to be run by and formales. However, although the first four books ofthe seven book series appear to support atraditional, masculine perspective on power andworth and promote the insignificance of women instereotypical roles, this book argues that that isnot the entire picture. One underlying truth of theHP series is that the power for change comes notthrough acquiring wealth or advancing one'scareer, but through people and practices that areoften undervalued or dismissed as unimportant.Inthe wizarding world of Harry Potter, sociopaths arevanquished and corrupt governments are toppledthrough behaviors and characteristics more commonlyassociated with women, particularly mothers.
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